Wondering how to get something done in Neptyne?
Here's a list of things we've collected that answer questions like that.
For more details on specific functions you can check out the Developer Guide
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Go to our Discord server and ask a question.
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Looking for tutorials with our standalone engine Neptyne Core?
Head over here.
Note: Tutorials with * require Advanced Features to be enabled.
A basic introduction to setting up the Neptyne Extension and running your first Python code.
Learn how data spilling can simplify getting data into your speadsheet.
Gain access to the vast ecosystem of Python packages.
Leverage OpenAI's API to make a recipe generator application.
Read and write cell values from the REPL or within your custom functions.
Combine Neptyne and Plotly to turn your data into beautiful visualizations.
Use Python's PIL library to display and transform images withinin your spreadsheets!